All useful info in one page

Related to Indices

NIFTY AutoCorr and LinReg based Trend Signal

NIFTY Momentum signal for efficient SIP

Buy only when Nifty has “Negative” or “Recent Crash” status on last day of the month. Backtest article:

Index Momentum Screener

Momentum methodology can be viewed in the following article:

Bounce Strategy for Indices

Backtest based on this Bounce strategy for Indices can be found at:

Correlation Metrics between Indices

Related to Individual Stocks

Stock Trend Screener – Large Caps

For more details about this screener, please visit –

Stock Trend Screener – Mid Caps

Stock Trend Screener – Small Caps

Stock Bounce Screener – Large Caps

Stock Bounce Screener – Mid Caps

Stock Bounce Screener – Small Caps

Large Cap Momentum stocks (top 30)

Mid Cap Momentum stocks (top 30)

Small Cap Momentum stocks (top 30)

For recent changes in the list, see Latest and Medium Entrants at: