How to use the Mean Variance Function in R

I’d made the Mean variance function to automate the process that Kora had shown in his video HERE.
Had posted it on twitter and gotten a good response for it.

But I quickly realized that very few people would be able to use it since R isn’t a very prevalent language.

So this video is dedicated to those guys, who have decided to take the plunge and start learning R or at least using it for market data analysis. Here you’ll learn how to:

1. Collate .csv files using R.
2. Save the collated files in an efficient format.
3. Do data wrangling manipulations to get what you want out of the data.
4. Run the Mean Variance Function and get the results.

I hope you guys have a stiff drink while viewing it (nil production value, but who cares!). Cheers!!

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